Organizing & Update

Monday, January 24, 2011

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January has been a busy month for me.  I've begun writing at some other places, in addition to HubPages.  Back in November, I started writing for BellaOnline's Asthma site, and also began developing my own website, Sher  With these and other writing projects, plus other freelance work, 2011 is shaping up to be a busy year. 

With all of this going on, it's very important to get organized.  I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by everything, so I sat down and set up a writing schedule, along with setting up an income tracker.  You can read more it about it on my website.  I used programs already on my computer, but also downloaded a couple of free templates.  You definitely don't need expensive software and gizmos to get organized.  I like to use free programs as much as possible, as long as they are quality products.  Getting the writing schedule and income tracker in place have already begun  to help me to stay organized and  up-to-date with all my writing and freelance commitments. 

Getting organized has helped me to write two new hubs in the last week.  I wrote one about the Amazon Kindle, and the second one about gluten free Super Bowl recipes.  I've now got 14 hubs, but would like to hit 30 hubs before too long.  To do this, I will have to add some extra time for writing more hubs on my writing schedule.  I'm not quite sure how to manage that yet. 

I've found with new hubs that traffic grows nicely on all the other hubs.  However, the income from HubPages is still not where I would like it to be.  Growing reader numbers should help with that.  My goal is to earn passive income from HubPages and the other sites I write for.  So, I need to be prolific in my writing.  The writing schedule will definitely help in that area.

Well, that's all for today.  I just wanted to give a little update about how things are progressing for HubPages.  My hub number is slowly increasing, but with time scheduled each week, I'll be able to write more hubs on a regular basis.  From there, I'm hoping to grow reader numbers and income. 

Till next time, happy Hubbing!

If you haven't signed up at HubPages yet, go ahead and give it a try!  

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