After Google's Farmer Algorithm--I'm Still on Hubpages

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Image by Freckes03 on 

Last week, Google released an algorithm change commonly called the "Farmer" algorithm.  Google's "Farmer" algorithm was mostly aimed at online content directories such as HubPages, Suite101, and others.  Google's purpose was to cut out low-quality articles and spam from their search results.  The effect of this algorithm change has been a drop in search rank and traffic for many content directories and websites across the Internet.  This effect has trickled down to lower traffic and earnings for writers who have their articles on the places most hit by the new algorithm.  HubPages was one of those who received the "slap" from Google.

When visiting the forums on HubPages earlier today, I came across many hubbers who said their traffic's not changed too much since the new algorithm's rollout.  However, there were others who said their hub traffic's way down, and earnings, too.  The smack down has hit some people very hard.

This isn't the first "smack down" HubPages has received.  There have been others, and HubPages was able to recover from each one.  There are two main lessons hubbers need to take away from this latest algorithm change:  a.  focus on writing quality content that actually helps your readers, and b.  find some other sites to write for, while also looking for other ways to diversify your online income.  The old saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a very good one for all of us to learn and remember!  Applied to online writing, it means diversify your income streams.  You can read more about that at my other blog:

I'll be sticking around on HubPages and adding articles as often as I can.  And along with this, I'll keep on developing my other income streams.  Don't give up your online writing!  The Internet universe will settle down once again.  Just remember quality content that helps your reader is your goal--and you'll do just fine!

Happy Hubbing!

HubPages Resources: Hub Camp

Monday, February 21, 2011

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This has been another busy week for me with writing and one client project.  I didn't manage to get another hug published yet, but am working on a hub that I hope will be ready later this week.  That's my hub update for this week.

Have you looked around the HubPages Learning Center?  The Learning Center is a great place to find answers to your questions, help for technical issues with  your hubs and capsules and more.  Along with the Learning Center, HubPages also offers a Hub Camp.  The HubCamp is a series of videos and articles dealing with many aspects of hubs and writing articles.  Here, HubPages execs have made videos to help you learn how to write great articles, how to get traffic and make money.  The lessons go through selecting a topic, keyword research, explanation of what an ideal hub is like, and more. I ran through a few of the lessons in the Hub Camp and found them to be very easy to understand, while giving insightful information to help me become a better hubber.

Be sure and check out the Learning Center and the HubCamp for more information on writing better hubs and gaining more traffic!

Happy Hubbing!

Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Last week I didn't manage to write a new hub--sometimes circumstances take precedence to writing.  Even so, I made an Amazon sale last week.  It was a shock to see one sale when I checked my Amazon Associate's earnings and found that one sale--my first.  I'm not sure which hub the sale came from, but it was one of my gluten free hubs.  Someone purchased my favorite gluten free cookbook.  That's encouraging, even though the earnings from this one book were not high, and I'm hoping this first sale will have opened the floodgates and now more sales will soon come along.

That's the update for this week.  I would like to wish you Happy Valentine's Day!  Today is the day of love in many places around the world, although some countries do see it as more of an imported, commercialized day.  What are your thoughts about the day?  Take a look at these hubs about St. Valentine and the day of Love to see how the holiday is celebrated around the world, and the history and tradition behind Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day Customs from Around the World

The Story of St. Valentine and Valentine's Day

Happy Hubbing!


(c) 2011 by Sher Vacik.  All rights reserved.