Why Write On HubPages.2

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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My last post highlighted a few of the benefits of writing on HubPages. HubPages is a very versatile platform that’s great for everyone from newbies to those more experienced writers and Internet marketers. I’ve watched the site for a long time to see how it ran, and to learn how people were using it. After this “watching time” I decided to give HubPages a try. I’m a newbie at writing online in this way, but it is a fun learning experience.

HubPages is used in many different ways. There are writers who just enjoy writing and sharing their insights and advice, there are others who are there to share advice and would like to make a little extra money online, and then there is another breed of writers who use HubPages as a promotional tool. Hubs of all kinds and styles abound. This makes HubPages an exciting place to write.

I like the fact that HubPages is free and open to all people around the world. As one who likes the “bootstrapping” method of making money online, this free site is a wonderful opportunity to have a potential audience of hundreds of thousands of people each day. Amazing. I am currently in the process of expanding my online money-making process, and HubPages offers a great platform to reach a massive audience in a short time. I have a lot to learn, but that audience is out there and I’m learning how to attract a few toward my hubs.

HubPages is also a legitimate website, making this a very attractive writing platform for me. I am one who doesn’t like to write “crap.” My purpose, in writing online, is to provide valuable information and advice to others, and to earn money in the process. I am a perfectionist and want to provide the best content possible to help others, and I look for sites that are legit and not fly-by-night on which to write.

These are the reasons I’ve taken up writing on HubPages, why do you write for HubPages? Or why have you chosen not to write on HubPages?

Happy Hubbing!

Why Write on HubPages?

Monday, March 15, 2010

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Why write on HubPages?
Why do so many people choose to write on HubPages?  Hubpages is a very versatile platform, with a page rank of 6 and 930,000 visits per day, making the site one of the busiest places on the Internet.  These reasons, alone, make HubPages one of the best sites for anyone who would like to try their hand at making money online.  This site has so much to offer newbies and those who are already experienced working on the Net.

What does HubPages have to offer?
HubPages has so much to offer, I'm not sure it's possible to list everything in this post.  I'll share the highlights and benefits of HubPages here:
  • HubPages has a high page rank.  What is page rank? Page rank is an algorithm that Google uses to measure the quality and trustworthiness of a website.  Websites with higher page rank are seen to have quality content and have proven that they are reputable and trustworthy according to Google.  Hubpages has a page rank of 6, making it one of the best sites on the Web for attracting readers who want to find quality content to address their problems, to find reviews on products, etc.  You can attain a high page rank with your own blog or website, but it takes a lot of time and work to establish yourself as a reputable and trustworthy presence online.  However, writing and publishing on HubPages offers your articles a site that is already authoritative and trustworthy in the eyes of the online world.  Thus, giving you an instant page rank of 6 and putting you above the others who are still working on gaining a high page rank on their own blogs and websites.
  • Hubs are indexed faster, by the search engines, than is the content on individual blogs and websites.  This effect is due to the high page rank of HubPages as a whole.   Being indexed faster gets a published hub into the search engines fast for people looking for information online.
  •  Page views per day are enormous, as stated above, with 930,000 visits per day (from all over the globe).  With this number of visits per day, you have a very broad audience to connect with.   You can get in touch with readers much faster than you can when writing your own blog.  It takes time to build up readership, but with HubPages it's possible to reach out to thousands instantly once your hub is published.
  • HubPages offers a fun community of writers called "Hubbers."  Hubbers come from all walks of life and from all over the world.  They gather on HubPages and congregate in the forums, and also visit one another's hubs offering insight and advice on how to write better and make money online.  Hubbers seem to be a friendly bunch, from my experience.  And there are many who will offer free advice and assistance for those who are new to writing on HubPages. 
  •   Hubs can be monetized in several ways, making this a great place for writers and Internet marketers to make money online.  HubPages allows Hubbers to monetize their hubs with Google Adsense, Amazon.com, Ebay and Kontera.  Hubbers can choose any one of these, or even combine all of these affiliate options in their hubs. HubPages, with these money-making options, becomes a great place to earn a passive income online.  Once a Hubber has several hubs published and monetized, the hubs are left to "age," and with maturity comes better earning power from more traffic (over time) for the Hubbers.
  •  HubPages makes writing hubs very user friendly.  The hubs are actually put together with separate "capsules."  Each capsule can be a different type of media.  Some capsules are text only, while others contain affiliate products, videos and even polls and pictures.  Hubbers choose which hub template they would like to follow, and are then free to put the hub together with any combination of capsules they choose.  HubPages offers a learning center for new Hubbers, and many hubs have also been written to aid those who are seeking guidance on writing and putting together quality hubs.  This makes hubs very versatile and unique, and easy for writers, businesses, and Internet marketers to utilize the power of HubPages to reach a vast audience.  
  • HubPages is a free platform.  Being free means a writer has the opportunity to create an online presence with no need to invest money.  It's possible to make money online with no cash output.  This is a very important point for many people who are currently out of work due to the global economic crisis.  The only investment is time, making HubPages a great place for those who need to earn extra income.  Writers are free to write at any time of the day.  Many people create hubs as a second job on their off time.   
These are the main benefits Hubpages has to offer those who would like to make money online.  It's  a great place to become involved with a fun group of writers and Internet marketers, while at the same time reaching a potential audience of hundreds of thousands.  

Why do you use HubPages?  

Happy hubbing!

HubPages Learning Center

Friday, March 12, 2010

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HubPages has an excellent place, the Learning Center, where new hubbers can go to find help and advice in creating their HubPages profile and create their first hub.  I took a look through the articles and they are easy to understand and follow.  The Learning Center provides helpful articles that go beyond the information contained in the HP Faqs.

Today's post at the Learning Center is about how to create what they call "first mover advantage" hubs.  These are hubs written and published ahead of a swell of Internet interest. "First mover advantage" hubs receive huge amounts of Internet traffic when people become interested in the topic and rush to find information online.  The Learning Center offers advice to hubbers about how to create these kinds of hubs.  It makes for some interesting and worthwhile reading, offering tips benefiting all hubbers, not only the newbies.

Be sure to check out the Learning Center at HubPages.  The information is very helpful and interesting, and is a big help for all of us hubbers at  HubPages.

Happy hubbing!

Sher Vacik

Learning from Other Hubbers

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Wandering through the hubbers list on HubPages is always an interesting trip.  You find so many people, from very diverse backgrounds and places, who write informative and helpful hubs.  Some hubbers are not only out to make money for themselves, but offer insight and advice for new hubbers to follow and find success.  Every-so-often I will feature these helpful hubbers here with you. 

One hubber I encountered for the first time is Dale Mazurek.  Dale's written a very helpful series of hubs called Earn Money Working from Home-Ezine Articles.  This is an eight-part series sharing Dale's tips for getting more traffic and income for your hubs.  I read through the series this morning and found some very helpful tips.  Dale's writing flows and you'll have no trouble following his no-nonsense steps.  I highly recommend reading this series in order to gain some insight into the importance of article writing and how it plays an essential part in gaining traffic and customers to your blogs and websites.

Another site Dale writes is called Hubber's Hangout, where he shares his favorite hubs with readers.  Dale offers a great selection of hubs. Be sure to check it out!

Happy hubbing on HubPages!

HubPages Advice by Leo

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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 Part of the process of learning how to make money online is reading and researching other blogs and resources offering "how to's."  This process is like being in college--you have to study and learn, and then apply what you've learned in order to be successful.  Each day I spend some time gathering information on many topics, one of which is how to make money online and how to use HubPages to fulfill that goal.

While checking my email this morning I came across an interesting blog post by Leo at Internet Marketing for the Rest of Us.  In the post, How to Improve Your HubPages Earnings, Leo offers some very blunt advice on how to go about the process of making money online.  Check out his post--you'll learn that making money online is not easy, but that it is work in the full meaning of the word:  time + effort + education + experiments = success and earning a living online. 

Good luck with your making money online endeavors!

First Month on HubPages

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

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HubPages has been an interesting experiment for me thus far.  I've now got five hubs published, in this first month, and they are doing OK.   I have been  monitoring my hubscores and my hubber score trying to learn now these work in the HubPages matrix.  I've begun leaving more comments on other hubs, and have also acquired a fan count of five!  I'll write more about these hub factors later when I have more understanding of what's going on.  Not a glorious start, to be sure, but lack of time and health issues have kept me from writing and publishing as much as I would have liked this past month.  I'm learning the ropes and right now it's slow going.  But I find writing for Hubpages is actually fun!

I'll continue on with this experiment and report back in a few days to let you know how it's going.  I've not made any money, yet, but will do more in the way of promotion in the next weeks.

Welcome to Sher's Hub List

Monday, March 01, 2010

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Welcome to Sher's Hub List!

I've recently begun writing on HubPages.  Though I've been a member for several months I had not begun to utilize HubPages until recently.  I began to explore the idea of writing and making money online at HubPages as a way to gain more experience in online writing and also as a way to make a little income on the side.  HubPages is a great platform for beginners to use to "test the waters" of writing for the Internet. It's a safe place to gain experience by creating hubs where you can experiment to see what works and what doesn't work to bring traffic and readers to a certain niche.  HubPages is also a fun place to meet and talk with others online through conversations in your hubs' comments or in the HubPages forums.

The range of topics I enjoy covering is very broad--everything from health issues, chronic illness to faith and tourist sites.  This blog will be a chronicle of my journey learning how to use HubPages, and I would also like to share HubPages resources, advice from other hubbers, along with what I learn personally on my HubPages journey.

Thus far I've written four hubs and have plans for more over the coming days.  Four down and how many to go?  The number of Hubs you can write is limited only by your own brain!

Welcome to my adventure with HubPages and making money online!

(c) 2010 by Sher's Hub List
Image by Magnus Rosendal on  Public-Domain-Photos.com